AssuredPartners Consulting AssuredPartners Consulting Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories Finance & Insurance >> Insurance - Broker AssuredPartners Consulting 5340 Kietzke Ln., Suite 201Reno, NV 89511 | View on Google Maps Lauren Yurick (775) 688-4400 | fax: (775) 688-4401 Visit Site Just as no two businesses are the same, neither should be your benefit plan. You need an agency who not only understands the market, but is willing to look at your special and unique circumstances and help you design and implement a plan with long term success in mind. At AssuredPartners Consulting (formerly Benefit Resource Group) , we are that agency. Whether you are a sole proprietor, or have several hundred employees across the country, we can help. Member Since: 2008 Send a message to: AssuredPartners Consulting Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Message: (Date: 3/3/2025)