United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra


United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Ste. 460
Reno, NV 89509 | map | directions
United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra (UWNNS) is the go-to social impact organization in our community. No matter the obstacles, no matter the odds, we surround a community’s most critical problems with resources to help. We engage our community through advocacy, volunteering and support. Our current focus is that we want every child in Nevada to be able to read. Yet, less than half are reading at grade-level today. Reading by third grade is a key predictor of high school graduation, which is critical to career success and our region’s economy.These statistics are even more serious for the alarming number of Nevada’s children living in poverty. To address this issue, UWNNS focuses on strengthening families, as well as funding literacy partners and managing the Northern Nevada Grade-Level Reading Coalition. We look forward to working with you to improve the lives of everyone in our community. Working together we will build a better community.
Member Since: 2005
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